“Music is my Passion” | Review by Ella Wilcox

Those who learn to sing and play instruments—especially with each other—reap huge rewards that increase over time. The film series Music is My Passion, directed by Bert Shapiro, offers viewers a window on some of the real joys that result from being part of an...

“Music is my Passion” | Review by Steve Best

Bert Shapiro’s films have always spoken to me in magical ways.  I’m a musician, but it’s not just his music-related videos that catch my attention:  when Bert gets an idea, he is swept away by the possibilities, and his creativity goes in a thousand different...

“Music is my Passion” | Review by Steve Allison

I think your whole series is wonderful! It really brings humanity to the music. Music is not made in a vacuum, it’s made by people who live in a time and place and culture, and it was wonderful to see these musicians bring alive early music and instruments in the 21st...